Upon[1] reflecting on such facts as these, I am the more inclined to wonder at the circumstance that some persons have
been found who were of opinion that the water animals are
devoid of all sense. The torpedo[2] is very well aware of the
extent of its own powers, and that, too, although it experiences
no benumbing effects from them itself. Lying concealed in
the mud, it awaits the approach of the fish, and, at the moment
that they are swimming above in supposed security, communicates the shock, and instantly darts upon them: there is no
delicate[3] morsel in existence that is preferred to the liver
of this fish. And no less wonderful, too, is the shrewdness[4]
manifested by the sea-frog,[5] which is known by us as the
"fisher." Stirring up the mud, it protrudes from the surface
two little horns, which project from beneath the eyes, and so
attracts the small fish which are sporting around it, until at
last they approach so close that it is able to seize them. In a
similar manner, too, the squatina and the rhombus[6] conceal
themselves, but extend their fins, which, as they move to and
fro, resemble little worms; the ray also does the same. The
pastinaca,[7] too, lies lurking in ambush, and pierces the fish
as they pass with the sting with which it is armed. Another proof of instinctive shrewdness is the fact, that although
the ray is the very slowest of all the fish in its movements, it
is found with the mullet in its belly, which is the swiftest of
them all.
(43.) The scolopendra,[8] which bears a strong resemblance[9]
to the land insect which we call a centipede, if it chances to
swallow a hook, will vomit forth all its intestines, until it has
disengaged itself, after which it will suck them in again. The
sea-fox[10] too, when exposed to a similar peril, goes on
swallowing the line until it meets with a weak part of it,
and then with its teeth snaps it asunder with the greatest ease.
The fish called the glanis[11] is more cautious; it bites at the
hooks from behind, and does not swallow them, but only strips
them of the bait.
(44.) The sea-ram[12] commits its ravages just like a wary
robber; at one time it will lurk in the shadow of some large
vessel that is lying out at sea, and wait for any one who may
be tempted to swim; while at another, it will raise its head
from the surface of the water, survey the fishermen's boats,
and then slily swim towards them and sink them.
1. The whole, nearly, of this Chapter is taken from Aristotle, B. v. c. 16.
2. Plutarch speaks of this fish, in his "Treatise on the Instincts of Animals;" also Oppian, Halieut. B. ii. 1. 62. The Raia torpedo of Linnæus,
Cuvier says, has on each side of the body a galvanic organ, which produces
an electric shock, similar to that communicated by the use of the Leyden
vial. By this means it baffles its enemies, and drives them away; or else,
having stupefied them, devours them at its leisure.
3. Cuvier confirms this statement. The liver of the torpedo, he says, is
very delicate eating, as, indeed, is that part in most of the ray genus.
4. Oppian, Halieut. B. ii. 1. 86; Ælian, Hist. Anim. B. ix. c. 24; and
Cicero, De Nat. Deor. make mention of this.
5. The Lophius piscatorius of Linnæus, the baudroie of the French.
This is a fish, Cuvier says, with a large wide mouth, and having upon the
top of the head moveable filaments, surmounted by a sort of membranous
lashes. It seems that it is the fact that it buries itself in the sand, and
then employs the artifice here mentioned by Pliny, for the purpose of attracting the fish that serve as its food.
6. Or turbot. This fish, the Pleuronectes maximus of Linnæus, and the
Squalus squatina of Linnæus, presents no sufficiently distinct filaments at the
extremity of the fins to justify what Pliny says. But the word "rhombus,"
Cuvier says, which ordinarily means the common turbot, here means the
psetta of the Greeks, the Pleuronectes rhombus of Linnæus, which has the
anterior radii of the dorsal fin separated, and forming small filaments. For
an account of the psetta, see c. 24, p. 396.
7. The sting-ray, the Raia pastinaca of Linnæus. This fish, Cuvier
says, has upon the tail a pointed spine, compressed and notched like a saw,
which forms a most dangerous weapon. It is again mentioned in c, 72 of
the present Book, under its Greek name of "trigon."
8. Aristotle, Hist. Anim. B. ii. c. 17, and B. ix. c. 51; Oppian, Halieut.
B. ii. 1. 424; and Ælian, Hist. Anim. B. vii. c. 35, make a similar statement as to the scolopendra.
9. The animal, Cuvier says, which is here mentioned as the scolopendra,
is in reality of the class of worms that have red blood, or annelides, such,
for instance, as the Nereides of larger size. These having on the sides tentacles, which bear a strong resemblance to feet, and sharp jaws, might, he
says, be very easily taken for scolopendræ. They have also a fleshy trunk,
often very voluminous, and so flexible that it can be extended or withdrawn,
according to the necessities of the animal. It is this trunk, Cuvier thinks,
that gave occasion to the story that it could disgorge its entrails, and then
swallow them again.
10. This fish, Cuvier says, was doubtless a species of squalus; which have
the power, in consequence of the sharpness of their saw-like teeth, of cutting
a line with the greatest ease. It is mentioned by Aristotle, B. ix. c. 52;
Ælian, Var. Hist. B. i. c. 43; and Oppian, Halieut. B. iii. 1. 144.
11. The fish that has been previously mentioned in c. 17 of this Book,
under the name of silurus.
12. "Aries." The Delphinus orca of Linnæus. See c. 4 of the present